by Chef Cathy
I am scratching out the fall menu on my yellowpad, all those pre law classes come in handy! Where to start? The adundance of the local organic farm seems like a good place. I am thinking butternut gnocchi with fried sage and butter sauce with a sprinkle of asiago cheese.. simple but oh so dishilicious. Then there is the goat farmer across the way who brought in his chevre last week.. om my! so creamy with a hint of honey..I think I will stuff dates with it and wrap them in crispy bacon ( Chef Tony is the bomb and you will lick your lips with his recipe), maybe add a Charbay whiskey reduction. I met Nic form VR farms, he brought in the pear sage honey that I have to pair with Rogue River smokey Blue cheese. All this new food made us want to share it with our dishy friends so come to our brew and food fest on October 21 and feast with us!